วิริยะประกันภัย | The Viriyah Insurance Public Company limited

“Aun Jai” Group Personal Accident Insurance

“Aun Jai” Group Personal Accident Insurance will lessen
the financial burden of the insured person in the case of
his/her death, dismemberment, disability, or injury caused by
an accident, including a murder or an assault caused to
the insured person. This product offers 24-hour coverage
all over the world. There are two options:
Regular Group Accident Insurance (24-hour coverage) and
Family Accident Insurance.


Suitable for

A person aged 5-60 years

A company wishing to provide insurance for employees


Subject matter of insurance

the insured person



For “Aun Jai” Group Personal Accident Insurance, the insured person may choose from the following two plans as appropriate.


*(Or. Bor. 1 refers to death, loss of body parts/eyesight, and total and permanent disability)
** (Or. Bor. 2 provides additional coverage from Or. Bor. 1, i.e., loss of finger(s), loss of hearing, loss of speech, and partial permanent disability.


Length of coverage




  • The insured person must be 5 to 60 years of age, in good health, without any physical impairment or disability. In the case of Family PA the persons covered must be family members.
*The above statements are only a summary of important information. For additional details, please contact Viriyah Insurance Public Company Limited or your insurance agents.


Contracted Hospitals List for Accident Insurance Click here

For more information please call 0-2129-8888

Fax : 0-2239-1347 (Underwriting), 0-2239-1326 (Claim)

Interest for additional information and please we contact you back as soon as possible.