Election All-Risks Insurance

Election All – Risks Insurance
This insurance plan covers damage caused by an accident and a natural disaster, as well as legal liabilities relating to contracted machinery installation work that may be incurred to a third party during machinery installation.
Suitable for
- Machinery installation contractors
- Machinery manufacturer or distributor assigned to carry out the installation
- Owners of machinery that needs to be installed
Subject matter of insurance
- Loss of or damage to machinery caused by an accident, a natural disaster, and legal liabilities relating to contracted installation work that may be incurred to a third party during machinery installation, movement, or removal.
- Testing or try-run of machinery after the installation in completed, in the case of new machinery.
- Death or injury of a third party, and damage caused to a third party’s property.
Length of coverage
Based on the term of the contract
*The above statements are only a summary of important information. For additional details, please contact Viriyah Insurance Public Company Limited or your insurance agents.
For more information please call 0-2129-8888
Fax : 0-2641-3597
Interest for additional information and please we contact you back as soon as possible.